Aries will find all that tricky analysis taking place in connection with finances, so it’s an excellent time to secure a mortgage or loan. This is all for a good reason as some serious romantic vibes are going on and I sense some nest building in preparation for commitment.
Taureans are in a stubborn mood with their loves ones, wanting changes in the home to go all their way. When negotiations fall to pieces they’ll run off and overspend on a new car or expensive gym membership, through some wild desire to escape.
Gemini will enjoy over analysing everything, especially finances, business projects and whether the ball was really over the line in any game or sport. Impatience rears its head in romance and they’re determined to catch the love of their life before someone else steps in.
Cancer will become very picky around the home, determined to make it clean, tidy and practical. The counterbalance is to take off on sudden journeys, maybe even overseas, and almost certainly to lovers, or exciting friends, to party and have a laugh.
Leos will become all pompous and arrogant in any verbal discussion, especially around finances and sports, convinced they know better than anyone else. They’ll then rush off and drag their lover back to their cave and smooch them with passion and meaningful conversation.
Virgos usually thrive on thinking everything through, but this week it can turn heated around personal issue. Business can go well and whether studying or researching, once you relax you’ll have a eureka moment, and solve a problem in seconds.
Librans will find themselves analysing their own self-worth and debating the meaning of life, so much so that wondering what is of value in the greater scheme of things might make them feel stuck. An impulse to whisk their lover off to the movies or dinner breaks the cycle, and they’ll enjoy indulging in romantic fantasies.
Scorpios will experience a very intense week at work and home, making their point with laser precision. Is there any respite from all that thinking? Yes, sports and silliness, and impulsive spending on new equipment and toys, especially if they go vroom-vroom!
Sagittarians will feel introspective, all that deep thinking taking place in the mind and unconsciously in the psyche. Excellent for any type of mediumistic or psychic work. Unfortunately the backlash is to want to have a sudden clear out of the home, so be careful in case you accidently throw away something important.
Capricorns are having an intense work schedule and might end up dragging some of that work-load home with them. Clubs, societies, music and phoning friends to switch off or put the world to rights will be your safety valve, so go forth and boogie, it’ll do you the power of good.
Aquarians are going through a bit of a ‘poor me’ phase and appear to be unable to work out why certain things are happening to them. Nothing feels right at the moment. Reinventing yourself is the answer, so some of you will be suddenly changing career path, while others will be chucking out clothes and refilling the wardrobe.
Pisces appear to be bucking the trend by passing all of that complicated thinking over to other people and avoiding the headache. This eases up time for romantic fantasies and the freedom to take off at a moment’s notice, especially to more distant locations.
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